Went to see Tron: Legacy a high-tech adventure in a digital world. This is a sequal to the original Tron from 1982, which was a ground breaking film at the time. Tron: Legacy had a lot to live up to and the expectations where high as the original film has a lot of fans world over. The story of the sequel focuses more on the relationship between the father Kevin Flynn and his son Sam, than anything else. There is also a lot of traveling to get from one point to another or to travel to meet someone. Really the storyline is thin and i guess most of the fans expected a lot more from this million production project, so from that point of view it is rather disappointing. The fable of totalitarianism and genocide was also a bit of an overkill. Really in retrospect it's like they where grabbing what they could to come up with a story. Then again for me that is totally new to the wold on "the Grid" and Tron as such, it was still a cool film to see. I can understand the original now and why it was so groundbreaking. The whole idea of entering a world of a computer maybe is not a novelty today but it surely was during the 80's. The graphics, transporting vehicles and the whole world as such is really impressive and i can say that at least I enjoyed watching them. So to sum up, if you are expecting this amazing sequel, with endless action, effects and awesome storyline then you are wasting your money. If you want a nostalgic trip to the 80's and see some cutting edge technology of our time then it is worth a go.