Today i took the car for a little drive as it has been fairly cold and it has been standing still for a long time. I also grabbed the opportunity to do some christmas shopping. While i was driving i discovered a halo around the sun. It was absolutely phenomenal. I was watching how people where stressing around and wondered if i was the only one who noticed this beautiful halo. I so regretted that i did not have my camera with me. As i love photography i usually have one camera with me, but of course...what are the odds...i did not have it with me this time. I have read about this phenomena a couple years ago but i never thought i would witness one. I was totally mesmerized. I decided that i just have to try to capture it on film so I rushed back home to get the camera but by the time i got out it was gone, what a shame, i hope it was not ones in a lifetime experience. From now on i will not go out the door without my camera...well at least for a week or so.