Another New Year is approaching and i cant but think back on the year 2000. It is a decade ago now and prior year 2000 everyone was going crazy about the end of the world and the Y2K-bug.
Here are some events that happened year 2000.
1) There was a mini baby boom in year 2000 as many wanted to have a "millennium baby".
2) Windows-users got a nasty virus called "ILOVEYOU" that spread rapidly all over the world
3) It was the last strip of "Peanuts" (Snoopy) by Charles M. Schultz due to his death.
4) Wolverin scratched his way into our lives alongside other mutants in the first X-men film
5) Playstation 2 is released, only one game is released that year for the console
6) The crime drama CSI:Crime Scene investigation premiers with Dr. Gil Grissom
7) Vladimir Putin is elected president in Russia
8) In Enschede, the Netherlands a fireworks factory explodes killing 23 people
9) In Kaprun, Austria a railway car catches fire in an alpine tunnel killing more then 150 skiers, leaving 12 survivors
10) Russel Crowe leaps to everyones heart, portraying General Maximus Meridus in Gladiator, that later on won the awards for best picture on the Oscars.
11) NASA announces that there is an ocean beneath the icy surface on one of the moons of Jupiter
12) Russian submarine Kursk sinks in the Barent Sea. Help is delayed due to Russia refusing access to the sub, all 118 men on board die.
13) The NEAR Shoemaker is the first spacecraft ever to enter orbit around an asteroid
14) Tarja Halonen is elected the first female president in Finland
15) Presidential election in the US: Al Gore vs. George W. Bush. Election that made the history due to a lot of dispute over votes in Florida