This week i went for a
routine check up to the
health care with the little man. In the waiting room there is a display
cabinet where there are some normal products that we all eat now and then. The interesting thing is that they have put out sugar cubes next to the product to illustrate how much sugar it
actually contains. Very alarming in deed. When a friend came and visited us last year she said that all the food here is
so sweet and that she
couldn't eat much of it. NO WONDER! Who would have thought that the traditional
Swedish sour milk contains 14 cubes of sugar!!! If you add sweet
cereal on top of that - talk about sugar rush! Mmmm brekki! It is well known by now and it's all over the news that people get more fat. We move around less. Silly daily things like opening the door... why push it open when you can press a button and the door opens!? Why take the stair to the first floor when there is an elevator and why on earth walk half an hour to work if there is only three bus stops away?? Which brings me to our children. No wonder there is a problem with
obesity and kids that are hyperactive, if they only eat sugar all day long. God i
don't even want to think of how their teeth look like! Dentists probably would make a fortune on kids if the dental care
wasn't free the first 18 years!! Maybe nature have already thought of sugar craving humans during the 19
th century and
that's why we all get m

ilk teeth before the permanent ones. Evolution is ahead
of us! A chance second chance for healthy teeth if we screw up as kids! I wish!! It is also a fact that many families are so stressed that they
don't have the time to cook meals from scratch but use products that are already half done. Stick it in the oven and its ready after 15
mins. Sad but true as
Metallica sang. The half done products make me think of another issue, if
no one cooks in the family... who teaches the children of our future to cook food? Is
it a skill meant to vanish? Are we raising a pizza society? Will the home made pasta and cooked meat become but a memory?