Wednesday, 5 September 2007
So the other day i was just minding my own business. Looking after Sam and just doing ordinary stuff around the house, when suddenly out of no where this huge bang...RUUUMBLEEEE!!!KAAAABOOOOM!!! The ground started to shake...instinctively i ran to the living room spotting Max in the middle of the floor with a petrified expression written all over his face. In a split of a second i thought EARTHQUAKE! HERE? WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH THE WORLD?? Where is...nearest door? ...closest exit? ....balcony or window? ....should i grab little man and throw myself through the window!? Doh so stupid a window would never break, i think i watch too many films. Then came the shock wave and everything went silent besides a long beeping sound. I stopped... earthquake here? Impossible... there are no such things so high up north, no tectonic plates meeting... still it is plausible. Do earthquake have shock waves??? It must have been a superficial blast...Oooohhhh....DOH! So stupid, they said they are starting to build in the area very soon. It just must have started. I felt suddenly stupid....The rest of the day i turned down the radio and TV so i actually heard the warning signal where i just ran towards Sam making the biggest silly fool a mother can out of myself as a distraction.... KAAAAAABOOM! BAAANG! RUUUUUUMBLEEEEE! Beeeeeeeep! Phew! It lasted for the best part of the week i never got use to it though. Its really strange when the most solid thing we know suddenly starts to move under our feet. A couple days later i passed the building ground... they where building parking places... and had not removed much rock at all. It wasn't a big parking like outside a mall, just a couple of car spots.... So much hassle for so little. :0)