Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Move'em on, head'em out Rawhide

Packing.... again. We have moved around so much i start to wonder if we should not qualify ourselves as Gypsy! It will be good to get out of this place though. There is so much fun in decorating and furniture a new place. Another fresh start with a lot of brain storming!

It never stops to amaze me though - how much junk we have - where does it all come from? It's not deliberate, we don't store too much stuff around still there are so many small things that just accumulate. My rule is, if i haven't used something for 3 years and am not likely to use it the following year - i chuck it. Ok.... some things i just save for an occasional fancy party, but that is not much... I mean how often will i need my cucumber or pine apple suit?? Then again who knows? Maybe i should save the jeans from the 80's and the dungaries, lets not forget the tea pot, the cowboy boots, snow board oh... and the spare roll of wallpaper from the 70's is a must.... well you never know, right?