Not so long ago i got the opportunity to meet my grandpa for the very first time in about 10 years. I had totally forgot what a long time it was since i last saw him and part of me was kind of embarrassed that i haven't seen my grandparents for so long. He lives in a different country to me and really there is not much left in my homeland for me to visit and life has thrown me in unexpected directions and it has taken years for me to get back on my feet - yet somehow i do not think thats an excuse for not seeing them for a decade - it is a horribly long time. It's sad to think that when my grandparents pass away i will be left with very little if anything to visit in my own country. That said my granddad decided that he wanted to see the north of sweden yet again and considering his age he thought that this would probably be his last trip. It is quite a tiring journey for anyone, a couple of hours by car to the ferry and then 18 hours on the boat and a couple of more hours again with the car.

Yet he claims he relaxes while traveling and despite his old age (a respectable 90) he decided to make the journey. Finally i got a chance to meet my grandfather, and i have to say my heart went all soft. I have worked with elderly people as long as i remember and its sad to see that after a while it is either the body or the head that gives in. My grandfather though is stubborn. I have to say that i would love to age with such grace. He does need a walking stick but prefers to walk without it. The hearing is weakened but his mind is still very clear and it is rather impressive to have a discussion with him about what happens in the world. During his visit he spent most of the week reading books (he finished 3!). I was amazed that he still can think clearly and has not lost much of his memory. I feel so blessed to have met him yet again - and i hope that life will continue to be good to him and that i will yet again meet him.