This is just too hilarious...poor girl!
Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Sunday, 21 November 2010
Are we alone?

Today i watched Steven Hawkins program on discovery about aliens. Fairly interesting questions were addressed: are we alone in the universe? If you ask me i think it would be fairly naive of us to think we are alone, knowing how many billion of galaxies there are and also that today we do know that life without oxygen, sunlight and water is possible. We often limit our thinking in that in order for life to exist it has to be carbon based and need water. But why do we exclude different forms of energies? We often think of aliens as little men but in reality alien life can be as complex or simple as such. The intriguing idea of astroids spreading alien life around the galaxy by hitting planets and letting the fight of survival of the fittest. Why not? Im sure there are organisms that can survive the temperature and the vacuum of space.
A question addressed in the episode was that its a scientific problem that we have not heard from any aliens. That if they do exist why haven't they contacted us? Firstly with that thought we have to assume that they do have some form of intelligence to communicate...and yes why wouldn't there be other intelligent life forms out there? That though requires the simple fact that they do speak the same "language" as us. Wether its sound, radio waves, language, images and so on. Cause really what is communication? Its merely sounds that we have given a symbol. We know the letter A is pronounced A cause we have set rules for it. We know different symbols have different meanings and as i am sure we all have experienced we know that it is difficult to communicate and understand each other if we come from different countries, social and culture backgrounds. How hard would it then not be to understand a message from outer space? It would require that aliens communicate with roughly the same symbols and sounds as we do. Maybe they even have been trying to talk to us for decades but we are just not on the same "wave length"? One possible sign of extraterrestrial life though, was the Wow-signal from 1977, apparently coming from a place 200 lightyears away. Well there is another problem...communication and conversations with the universe is not an easy task. It is not like a face to face, phone to phone dialog. It takes a long time for the message to arrive and just as long for it to be sent back. So by the time the message arrives the world has probably changed significantly...i mean look at us and where we were 200 years ago.
But then lets play with the idea that aliens will visit us or already have. That in itself implies that they are much highly evolved and more intelligent then us. Their technology would be far more advanced then ours, as it would have allowed them to travel such distances in space. Then would they come in peace? Some say that probably not. The argument is that if they have the technology to travel in the universe then they probably have experiences the atom bomb and its lethal outcome. So they would be capable to exploiting and destroy their own and other worlds. But why do we assume that? Firstly that limits our thinking in that they would be like us. That they would have to be a social life form in order to perform such a task. But then again maybe nuclear explosion are common in their world? Maybe its a natural phenomenon, like the El Nino heat wave? Maybe it is like fire works for them? Maybe such a thing occurs often on their planet and they have developed a resistance? Furthermore why do we even think that they would come down to earth and say "Well, hello their neighbour?". I mean why wouldn't they want to visit earth? We are aliens to them, must be fascinating to explore another life form, no? We could learn from each other...Then again maybe space travel is common for them and they check on us now and then, thinking we are just a little ant farm that think we are so smart? Im mean really what could we offer high intelligent aliens, that posses the technology of traveling in space and maybe time (assuming they come in peace)? If i was an alien, i would check out earth first. I would see what we are capable to do to each other, to our planet and its life. Heck i would think twice in landing here...imagine what our governments would do if one little alien would visit us? " ...nope, it is better to be safe then sorry!" I am sure there is an alien saying like that! "I will come back in lets say a billion years and see if they have learned anything...or next time I pass this place I will make sure I bring the whole fleet just in case...!
Wednesday, 17 November 2010

It was really misty this morning and frost on the ground. I sneaked out just to take a couple of shots. Really i wanted to spend some more time on the photos and go down town and maybe get some nice mysterious pictures down the harbor but there is no time for that today. I just have to wait for the next fog.
Monday, 15 November 2010
So this weekend ended up in a conversation about good looking female celebrities. That one is quiet difficult i think. There are a lot of conventionally pretty and good looking people but really not so many beautiful. But after some thinking i scrambled up to my top five.
Beautiful and amazing in "Meet Joe Black". Has a smile and a look that can say more then a thousand words.
2. Lauren Graham
Can't really explain why. Just love the character she is playing in "gossip girl". The relationship to her daughter, the depth and naked honesty makes it a very deep performance.
3. Liv Tyler
Stunning in LOTR. Goes to show ugly people can have beautiful children.
4. Angelina Jolie
Yes i know a lot of criticism can be pointed towards her. All the things we read in the papers about her: too skinny, yet another tattoo and another dispute with Aniston, but to be fair i think she is one of the few actresses that can almost pull anything off. She makes an excellent "Tomb Raider", and I loved her in "A mighty heart" and "Beyond borders". "The bone collector", "the good Shepard" and "Gone in 60 seconds" are other films a really like her in...Gone in 60 seconds by the way has a really addictive music that sticks in your mind.
4. Charlize Theron
Monster was a very strong performance, and i like her in that film although without having the main lead she really stands out in Hancock and Italian Job.
5. Yvonne Strahovski
Beautiful actress in "Chuck". Don't think i have seen her in anything else.
6.Jessica Biel
She really started to grow on me. From this little girl in "7th heaven" to a woman in the "Illusionist" and "Next". What will she throw at us in the future? Can't wait to see :+)
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Old spice commercial 2nd version..
Anyone seen the old spice commercial "the man your man could smell like"? This is for the ladies...
...and this is the second version of the commercial..for the men... ;+)
...and this is the second version of the commercial..for the men... ;+)
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Today started off good. Went with all the kids to the cinema for on a short film. Was pretty fun, and the kids loved it. When you think of it its a pretty big thing going to the cinema for a 4 year old. The film was only half an hour long and after the film we all went to the kids court and let the the little ones run off some energy. Then all of the girls left Stefan with five kids and went shopping for a while. So far so good, but just as I was leaving the shopping center little man started to throw up. Gosh poor thing. Nothing left to do but to clean up and just go home, now i hope this was a one time thing and not that it was a stomach bug...
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Got my book today, its time to knuckle down and start to study. Feel so unmotivated. Don't really know where to find the energy to read. My to-do list is growing and i am not ticking of as fast as i should be.
Picked up the car today. Cross fingers that they have fixed the problem. It turned out that it was just an air pocket in the cooler system. Just an air pocket? That makes me wonder how many crap mechanics are out there. I have been having this problem for a longer period of time and i just had given up on it ever being fixed. I got told by the mechanics that it could be the thermostat, the fan, the top gasket and so on, but that all that seemed to be fine so they did not know anymore. One mechanic wanted to pour in welding fluid in the cooler system in case there was a crack somewhere and air was leaking in. I myself not knowing much about cars was would still think that you look for the simplest things first before you strip the whole car down but i was preparing for the worse so i am very pleased that so far the car works ok and it seems like the problem is fixed. If it would have been the top gasket the pleasure of fixing it would cost €2000 and to be honest i rather spend that on a trip somewhere then to change a piece of rubber...
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Today i have been thinking. A lot. Its late and i am tired. Wonder if it is the late night that sneaks up on me again? Really it does not matter, i have been feeling like this for a longer period of time. Its really hard to be witty, happy, smile on the outside when on the inside all you feel is chaos...but in a way organized chaos.
Made a lot of phone calls today, some happy some sad. Some i have not spoken to in months some just in weeks. Its nice to hear that they have been thinking of you. I guess there is this subconscious connection between people, no matter where we are in the world. You hear that little voice inside you that makes you pick up the phone and just say "Hi, i thought of you today". A call does not have to be long but it can brighten up someones day tremendously, change their course...I care and yes, it matters. Really just a simple smile to someone on the street, a chat to someone on the bus or train, a compliment to a stranger "hey i really like that top you are wearing, it looks great on you". Why do i find that easy, when really i feel that my world is breaking apart? Does it really feel good in this locked up shell of mine? Really i should step back and give that a thought". Why is it for instance that it is so easy to give people compliments and make them smile and feel special when its so hard to receive. Do we feel obligated to give back when someone treats us or wishes us well? When is it that you over think things and when is it that you do not give it enough thought or attention? How do we learn to find the balance and answers? What do i know? What i do know though is that in the end no matter what the answer is in your heart...
Monday, 8 November 2010
Today i put my car to the garage. It has given me some grief for a while now when it comes to a couple of things. Firstly i have to change the suspension and then change the tires, but that is put a side as the more immediate thing i have to deal with is high pressure in the cooler system. It is a bit of a worry as even the previous mechanics that looked at the car had problems finding whats causing the high pressure. Oh well i hope they will find it and fix it, i hate for it to be an unsolvable problem and then after a couple of miles it goes *cabooom* and then it costs a fortune to fix what ever got broken. So cross fingers!
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Went to the first ever game fair in Sweden today. It was more an event then a fair to be honest. They had a lot of old consoles and really the only new thing was the XBOX 360 Kinect. The new ground breaking thing is supposed to be no remotes just hands. It seems to be fairly fun but the motion tracking has some delays, which i think might get annoying after a while. I think giving it some time the second generation will be absolutely awesome. There where a lot of singing and dancing games and I was missing some new games like Fable III for instance or racing games. Although the lambourgini they had on display was very nice. A game that did catch my attention was Vanquish. I really have to give a try, though at the moment i do not have time to play. I am embarrassed to say i have not finished Mass Effect II yet! Any how it was a cool day and after some popcorn i went to sit under the avatar tree trying to get some tsahaylu vibes but it did not work, it might be cause of all the electronics surrounding it disturbing its energy or maybe just cause i did not have a braid with neural fibres, but hey it was worth a try...
Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Absolutely shattered... think i overdid it a bit with 7 days in a row of work and almost 70 hours, but when you love what you do and are dedicated to be there for others i guess you put yourself last. In a way its wrong as you can never be there completely for others unless you are whole yourself, but that is a lesson i think that will take me a lifetime to learn...if i ever will learn it...
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Quality health care
Today the whole morning till midday got spent making injections on the chemical lab. It was very good practice and actually really fun to see how different our veins look and behave. During the day they have around 250 patients, so it was a lot of work. Its crazy though cause when you stop and think about it then it means that every patient gets 7 minutes healthcare time. Talk about quality health care. Then after lunch, yes today i had time for lunch(!) it was time to work at the clinic. Yay! It ended up a 14 hour working day so i think i will just rest my little head on the pillow and snore away....
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