Sunday, 27 February 2011


Always loved photography! Today i rarely leave the house without a camera. Normally if I plan something I will  bring the SLR with me, otherwise I carry a small Canon in my bag and if I ever forget it, then there is  always the camera on the iPhone. Crazy? Perhaps, but there is just something about photos and to be able to take a snapshot of anything at any given time. Usually people take pictures during holidays, Christmas, Easter and so on...then you end up with zillion of pictures (that are very much alike i might add) thinking "which christmas was this?". Its good that now days that is incorporated in the metadata, there are even cameras that give you the GPS coordinates in case you forgot where you were. That said i know where the posted picture below was taken and i wish i could take credit for it - it's one of my many favourites.
 "A mother's love"

Friday, 25 February 2011

Dooms day

Dooms day time! Apperently my last day for mot was in January so i have been driving the car illegally for  quite some time now. Ops! I had totally forgot! Mot...why are those times always so stressful? Its as stressful as telling someone you crashed their bran new car or realizing that you forgot to close the door and your mother in law fell out of the car while you were driving! They should offer some sedatives at the entrance. The wait...god the wait. My car has a bit glichy panel so the control lamp for my head lights does not always work. I have tried to fix it before and it will cost a a fortune as they have to change the whole panel. I checked the light before going to the mot and it was working but by the time i arrived and the mechanic started to check the car it stopped. As i had the same mark last year my car would now get banned from driving if i did not fix it within a month. I could feel the pain, my worries confirmed and my wallet robbed. The car past on everything else, just that stupid light. Oh well i sat down in the car rather disappointed and started the enginee checked the lights... it works! Omg you kidding me!? I went back in, spoke to the mechanic and he checked it it was only 5 minutes since he finished the mot he could change the protocol and just by pure luck i passed the survey. Pheeew!

Thursday, 24 February 2011


Sometimes the smallest things amaze you. Today my son did a drawing and i was really surprised in his progress. He is still only little and only a week ago he did a painting which contained more blobs and lines. Today he drew a whole table, chair and some people on it. Amazing! Then he said he drew his friend sitting on the chair and made himself taller "as im taller then him" he explained. Then he added some dust under the table "so mum can vacuum it". I don't know if it means that we always have dirt under the table or that mummy always runs around with the vacuum cleaner and tidy the place!