Friday, 31 August 2007
Ice ice baby
I heard that they had snow in the northen part of the country today. Lucky bastards! Oh i long for those cold mornings, the fresh air and dry knuckles and lips. Waking up in the morning and know you have to go and scrape the car before work as its all covered with ice! Then you get to work and you take of your hat and the hair just stands out like an electric fire ball. No one comments on your bad hair day cause all of your co-workers look the same and for the rest of the day you all amuse yourself by getting electric shocks from all things around you! Absolutely b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l!!!!
Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Sunday, 26 August 2007
So how can it be that people are so irresponsible! Went out to the car the other day to go shopping and got absolutely furious! Someone had crashed into our car and damage the front bumper and just left! Yes a hit and run technically. I went around the parking and found a car with white paint on its right front bumper so i thought i had caught the b***ard. Then again i could not be sure. Later on that same day i went out to double check again and then i spotted the car standing in front of us... that one had really a damaged front with white paint. Again i could not be sure. I am almost certain that it is one of the neighbours though cause there are a bunch of idiots living here. God it will be sweet to move!
To chill my nerves i went on a walk with little-man. I took a walk till he fell asleep i the pram and decided as it was such a lovely weather that i would go for a long walk. So i started to walk pass the cemetery. I like cemeteries - there is something very peaceful about them and they also remind me of my mum that passed away many years back. I makes me remember how life was different then and how loved she was. I think of how often i saw her smile and goof around. As a kid i loved saying "mum do the ugly laugh" and she would burst into a huge fake laugh, pulling her face in all directions so you could see her not so straight teeth and make us all laugh hysterical. So i was walking along the path with my thoughts where some girls caught my eye. They must have been around their 20+ and working there... i took that conclusion of noticing the wheelbarrow and the rakes. To my frustration they where wearing so tiny shorts that a bit shorter and i could see the whole arse! And on top of that... or should i say there was no top of that... cause as a top they had the smallest, tiniest bra i have ever seen. Oh My God! They sat down on one of the graves and started tanning and smoking! I got furious! What could i say i was speechless of shock. I could not understand how someone supposed to be a janitor working in a place where you should have some dignity was walking around half naked. I circled around them ones and just continued home. Ashamed and embarrassed that i didn't say something...
To chill my nerves i went on a walk with little-man. I took a walk till he fell asleep i the pram and decided as it was such a lovely weather that i would go for a long walk. So i started to walk pass the cemetery. I like cemeteries - there is something very peaceful about them and they also remind me of my mum that passed away many years back. I makes me remember how life was different then and how loved she was. I think of how often i saw her smile and goof around. As a kid i loved saying "mum do the ugly laugh" and she would burst into a huge fake laugh, pulling her face in all directions so you could see her not so straight teeth and make us all laugh hysterical. So i was walking along the path with my thoughts where some girls caught my eye. They must have been around their 20+ and working there... i took that conclusion of noticing the wheelbarrow and the rakes. To my frustration they where wearing so tiny shorts that a bit shorter and i could see the whole arse! And on top of that... or should i say there was no top of that... cause as a top they had the smallest, tiniest bra i have ever seen. Oh My God! They sat down on one of the graves and started tanning and smoking! I got furious! What could i say i was speechless of shock. I could not understand how someone supposed to be a janitor working in a place where you should have some dignity was walking around half naked. I circled around them ones and just continued home. Ashamed and embarrassed that i didn't say something...
Friday, 24 August 2007
Dogs! Always been a part of my life, love them. But then we have dogs and dog owners. I truly do not understand people that treat their dogs like humans and say it is their little baby! I love/loved all my dogs and is/was involved in every little bit of their life, but for me they where always dogs. I am always astound by owners that treat their dogs like humans and how that does not work. No matter what breed the dog is they always like clear rules and a clear hierarchy where ever they go. As an owner we are responsible to make sure of that. Yet not everyone does. A puppy is always cute and sweet and so innocent, but they grow up fast and assert themselves even faster and that's where the problem begins. The interesting thing is why people expect that if you have a big dog you should keep him short and it should be well behaved but a small dog "oh so cute and so innocent and oh its so scared of big dogs!" Yeah right! There is nothing worse that a dog owner making excuses for his dogs bad behaviour. Its bit only once that I have heard owners say that their little Fluffy is just scared of what ever and just watching the dog going ballistic in the garden marking the territory like its his holy ground and even going so far as trying to put the people around him into place! Unacceptable! I think if you want to get a dog you should spend some time and investigate what you really are looking for. You want an everyday challenge and spend a lot of time working with your animal then maybe a terrier or an Alsatian is the proper dog for you. Or are you looking for the classical family dog a golden might be more suitable... perhaps you just want a dog that lays around and rests with you and doesn't really care if he gets to spend a longer time indoors and just lay on the sofa with you i.e a great dane. Basically do your homework! The more the better and then chose what fits you and your dog best. One thing is for certain a dog with a consequent owner that gives a lot of love and clear rules is a happy sound dog!
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Why is not the question
Hmmm... alright so this is how it is on this side! Well this will be most interesting! It's funny, I said to myself that I wouldn't do this i.e write a blog and here i am trapped on the other side. Well you might wonder why and to be honest i really have no idea. Maybe cause I have a bad day, maybe cause I have a good day. Maybe i want to talk about love and life. Perhaps it is cause i want to get heard by the world... speak up and have a story to tell! Maybe I have so many thoughts in my head that i want to get an outlet for them somewhere and don't have anywhere else but in a blog then again maybe not. Maybe i have a sneaky idea to lure you in my nest of thoughtless thoughts! Or... maybe I'm just writing a lot of crap and am shocked by the fact that you actually read this! Myself I have never been a reader - not of any meaningless blogs! lol Really it is immaterial as why i do this as i am here on the other side writing already, starting a journey that i have no idea where it will end or how long it will last. Maybe this will be the only thing i put in here and again maybe not,
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